Sweet love Rock & Roll
Geschrieben 1993, kurz nachdem ich den Entschluss gefasst hatte später mal Berufsmusiker zu werden. Wohlwissend, dass es mehr ein Geben denn ein Nehmen werden könnte.
Sweet love Rock & Roll, Rock & Roll
Will you remember my name someday
Good old Mama, I´ll always love you
But will you remember my face one day
Will you remember those great days we had
Would you reach your hand again when I´m down and out in the dirt
And can I trust in a friend I cannot see
Or will you disappoint me just like the ones I can see
Sweet love Rock & Roll, Rock & Roll
Sweet love Rock & Roll, Rock & Roll
Once I was down but you picked me up
Sweet love Rock & Roll, Rock & Roll
Sweet love Rock & Roll, Rock & Roll
Can you tell me which way to go
Good old Mama, just one last time
Can you tell me what´s right or wrong
You know I made my vows to you just like so many before
One day I´ll be dancing with their ghosts on your eternal dance floor